Wednesday, March 10, 2010

week 1 day three...

so far I have...

gotten up at 6:00 3 mornings in a row.
failed miserably at getting more than 7 hours of sleep.
ran 5 miles.
spent 1.5 hours in the gym- lifting, stretching, and striving to obtain rock hard abs.
1.5 hours of hot yoga.
1 hour of lindy.

mind you this is only day 3 and the day is not complete. I still have 3 hours of dancing ahead of me.

I think I am insane. tomorrow I get to "rest". we will see how well I can do that given my complete inability to sit still.

ps- this is only week 1 of 16. it makes me laugh as well as experience a slight sense of terror...


so a friend and I decided a half marathon would be fun.....

I am rethinking this decision.